
David Hodgens

ALTC Gaza Ridge Barracks, Bandiana VIC

David Hodgens

David grew up in a Christian home and vibrant Christian church in Melbourne.  He initially trained as a teacher and after a stint in agriculture and teaching in the far west of Victoria, David was employed as a full-time teacher in Gippsland Victoria, (marrying Diana during this time) and then in the Mallee.  Throughout this time the family was heavily involved in church with loads of opportunities for service and ministry provided in local church life.

After another season of work in agricultural management, the family headed back to Melbourne to undertake theological training at the Bible College of Victoria. The call of God was strong and after completing college the family served as missionaries in Papua New Guinea, with both David and Diana involved in training national men and women for ministry.  After returning to Australia, David served as the Senior Pastor of the Warrnambool & District Baptist Church and is currently the Senior Pastor at the Wodonga and District Baptist Church in Victoria. 

David was introduced to Everyman’s while supporting the ministry of members of the congregation and while considering how he might encourage the church to better support the ministry felt God’s prompting for him to become more personally involved himself!   

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