NATIONAL HQ 02 6053 5288


Serving with our Defence Chaplaincy Overseas

It has indeed been a joy for CCOMM Ken to work with Defence Chaplains overseas. Ken has more of a chaplaincy role to play on operations with regards to pastoral visitation of workplaces, as well as helping the Chaplains host the cultural tours of the local areas. An added bonus was to meet up with former Everyman, Allen Pipes, who is now a Chaplain in the ADF. Of course in the traditional Everyman’s way, visiting the rifle range with critically needed cold drinks in what can be insufferable heat is always appreciated. Ken meets with the Chaplains weekly at Bible study, Sunday services, and prayer meetings where we pray for all deployed personnel in the area. We are concerned for their safekeeping and for a joyous and speedy return home when they have finished their time away. The Chaplaincy/Everyman’s team keeps in touch day by day, so that together we can meet any urgent needs that may arise. There can be much personal strain for many reasons, on our Defence members whilst serving overseas. We strive to make sure that we can do all in our power to provide a discreet but effective and well rounded welfare ministry to each and every one we are able to. Ken has shared his faith with some who have come to him for a chat, and is always willing to share the ultimate hope he has. Please pray that Ken will be led to be as effective as possible in this particular Everyman’s role which he will continue in over the next couple of months.