NATIONAL HQ 02 6053 5288


ANZAC Bikkie Ministry

It has been something Everyman’s has been known for, perhaps since our inception in 1940, but there is no doubt that home-made ANZAC bikkies are still greatly enjoyed and anticipated by members of the ADF. CCOMM Ken on overseas operations at the moment gets to visit many ADF members in their workplaces as part of his duties.

Although Ken cannot bring over large shipments of the ANZACs small parcels of the greatly appreciated home-made ANZACs can come across. The ANZACs serve as an effective means for anyone in Everyman’s to get to know the many men and women serving, who we may not have met before. This is particularly true for RAAF personnel, who we often have not had a lot of interaction with.

The ANZACs are for many, a great reminder of home. They bring back fond memories of their mums and grandmothers baking these great biscuits. It has become part of ADF and even Australian folklore, to have biscuits made on the home front and sent forward to our men in women in uniform overseas. These precious bikkies let them know their efforts have not been unnoticed.

Ken as usual found that those who received the ANZACs were very grateful and conversational. This opens the door for the Everyman’s representatives to build bridges of ministry and interaction. Most times it is just a friendly conversation, but occasionally some have opened up with their concerns and problems. At times it has even afforded opportunity for the Everyman or Everywoman to pray with them and if need be accompany them to the Chaplain if further help is required.

All in all, if you are a cook and love making ANZACs, Everyman’s could always store and send your biscuits overseas as the need arises. If you feel this could be a home front ministry for you, please contact our National Headquarters.

Please remember our Defence members serving overseas. Overseas operations haven’t finished and in fact will, in one form or another, continue into the foreseeable future. Your help is greatly appreciated as we look to continue the traditional Everyman’s service to our Defence Force overseas.


Anzac biscuits have long been associated with the Australian and New Zealand Army Corps (ANZAC) established in World War I. The biscuits were sent by wives and women’s groups to soldiers abroad because the ingredients did not spoil easily and the biscuits kept well during naval transportation.

It has been something Everyman’s has been known for, perhaps since our inception in 1940, but there is no doubt that home-made ANZAC bikkies are still greatly enjoyed and anticipated by members of the ADF. CCOMM Ken on overseas operations at the moment gets to visit many ADF members in their workplaces as part of his duties.

Although Ken cannot bring over large shipments of the ANZACs, small parcels of home-made ANZACs can come across and are greatly appreciated, often reminding ADF members of their mothers and grandmothers, and letting them know their efforts overseas have not gone unnoticed.

The ANZACs serve as an effective means for anyone in Everyman’s to get to know the many men and women serving, who we may not have met before. Most times it is just a friendly conversation, but occasionally some have opened up with their concerns and problems.

If you feel this could be a home front ministry for you and your friends, please contact our National Headquarters (details on the back page) and check out our special ANZAC Biscuit recipe on our website

Please remember our Defence members serving overseas. Overseas operations haven’t finished and in fact will, in one form or another, continue into the foreseeable future. Your help is greatly appreciated as we look to continue the traditional Everyman’s service to our Defence Force overseas.